Commission Terms and Service
Digital Art/twitch
I do have the right to accept/decline commission.
I will publish/upload the commission pic on either Pixiv/Discord/Website and give the HQ Image via note /e-mail.
You can ask for a WIP at any point.
Refunds are only available within the sketch phase of the drawing.
If you have any questions about my commission please dm on any social media or email.
I do accept only PayPal payment ( US Dollar through Ko-fi ).
I will start the Commission after you (commissioners) approval on the base Sketch WIP.
If you commissioned me as a gift and want to give me deadline PLEASE at least note/email me 1 month before the deadline.
If I make any mistakes or forget a detail with your commission, please let me know.
All payments will be made through Ko-Fi.
For commercial uses, please contact me for more details.
All payments are final after the sketching phase!
Copyright for Personal Use
I DO have the right to publish my art on any website that I want ( except if you ask for private commission).
I will credit back your character when I publish it on DA / other websites.
You ( as the commissioner ) DO have the right to publish/upload your commissioned art from me to any website ( credit is needed).
You ( as the commissioner ) DO have the right to edit/render the piece that you bought from me .
You ( as the commissioner ) DON'T have any right to use your commissioned art as commercial use ( except if you've paid the commercial fee).
Other people beside you ( as the commissioner ) and I DON'T have any right to publish/upload my art to another website, except if you have my / the commissioner permission.
I will do :
OC's (Male/Female/Child or old)
Characters from Books/Anime/Movies/etc.
Pokemon / Animals
I will not do :